Chicago Jet Group FANS Retrofit for the Gulfstream G-IV with Universal Avionics’ Airborne Datalink System
Installation of Universal Avionics’ UniLink® Communications Management Unit on a Gulfstream G-IV
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 26, 2014
CHICAGO, IL – Chicago Jet Group announces the Gulfstream G-IV FANS-1A+ / CPDLC Supplemental Type Certification (STC) ST08427CH will be the third aircraft certified with an Air Traffic Services FANS 1A+ / CPDLC Data Link system over Iridium retrofit installation. The installation is also provisioned for the upcoming Eurocontrol Link 2000+ Programme mandates.
Chicago Jet Group integrated Universal Avionics’ UniLink® UL- 801 Communications Management Unit (CMU) with VHF VDL Mode 2 receiver, interfaced with Universal’s SBAS-Flight Management System
(FMS) and CVR- 120A Cockpit Voice Recorder to enable required FANS data link message recording.
Chicago Jet Group utilized the International Communications Group (ICG) NxtLink ICS-120A Iridium Satcom for Iridium system AOC and ATC data link messaging and communications.
Mike Mitera, President of Chicago Jet Group, stated “We know that the Gulfstream operators are urgently seeking a FANS/CPDLC solution and the demand for that solution required an immediate
market response. We have our first G-IV FANS aircraft operating with the installed equipment and we expect to have FAA certification within 3 months. This STC installation provides the most cost effective long-term solution for the G-IV, G-IVSP and G-V operators. We chose the Iridium system over Inmarsat for two reasons: the legacy MCS-3000 and 6000 Inmarsat systems installed on most of these aircraft have approximately 3 years of serviceable life before the Aero H and Aero I systems are decommissioned. The second reason is that CJG already has two certified STC’s for FANS over Iridium providing the best global satellite coverage available for FANS.”
The Gulfstream G-IV will be the third airframe to receive FANS retrofit certification with CJG. Certification is expected 4th quarter of 2014. Several additional airframes are currently in-process at Chicago Jet Group for FANS retrofit installation and certification. Kobev International Inc., an affiliate of Chicago Jet Group, completes their turn-key FANS/CPDLC suite of services by offering Pilot Training and End – to – End Testing.
About Chicago Jet Group
Chicago Jet Group operates a Class 4 Part 145 Repair Station, focusing on the installation and certification of NextGen avionics technology in Part 25 aircraft, in addition to providing airframe and engine maintenance.